There are a range of ways you can support our work. Whatever you decide to do, you know that 100% of your donation will go towards our work and it will make a huge difference to the support we can provide to girls and women.


You can make a donation, small or large by using the donate button at the bottom of any page or click here. Alternatively you can give directly through our bank, which is the Co-operative Bank, Sort code: 089299, Account no.67333707.

Or you can make a regular gift and by doing this you are providing Power Of Pads with a steady and reliable income which enables us to plan for the future. You can set up your regular gift online here or by setting up a standing order with your bank.

Please let us know if you are a UK tax payer as this can increase your donation by 25%.


Fundraising for us can be both fun and easy. From running a simple raffle with friends to running a marathon, there really is something for everyone.

We’re here to help you decide what sort of event is right for you, as well as offer you any advice or support you need to make sure your fundraiser is a success. Contact us on

We also recommend setting up an online fundraising page via Total Giving. It’s a quick and easy way to fundraise online. You can personalise your page with info, photos and images and all your friends and family can sponsor you via your page.

Once you have completed your fundraiser don’t forget to tell us about it! We love to hear all about what our fundraisers have been up to. Send your fundraising story and photos to

Power Of Pads is a UK registered charity (No 1139288).

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