by Power Of Pads | Sep 11, 2017 | Newsletter |
Fostine was 20 years old and pregnant with her first child when she arrived at the clinic at 2 pm in the afternoon. For the first few hours it was incredible to believe she was in labour as she preferred to sit outside with her sister in law rather than lie in a bed...
by Power Of Pads | Nov 4, 2016 | Newsletter |
As many of you know, we took part in a crowd funding campaign in June this year. We had never done anything like this before, in fact our understanding of crowd funding was pretty hazy to say the least. However, fundraising is an ongoing necessity to continue the life...
by Power Of Pads | Nov 4, 2016 | Newsletter |
We are all aware of the terrible implications of HIV AIDS but seldom do we hear positive news and comments. In the developing world HIV has a greater impact on women and consequently on their babies and children, not just because their mothers are more likely to die...
by Power Of Pads | Nov 4, 2016 | Newsletter |
At this time of year in the run up to Christmas, and in fact across the whole year, if you do online shopping you could be making donations to Friends of Buburi for free! By joining the Giving Machine you can begin to raise funds for Friends of Buburi, at absolutely...
by Power Of Pads | Nov 4, 2016 | Newsletter |
After a long wait and high expectation from the community, the new Maternity clinic was completed in 2016. This dedicated unit will provide ante natal and post natal care as well as a private and spacious delivery room for mothers in labour, something so basic that it...