Wishing a Merry Christmas to all!

Wishing a Merry Christmas to all!

What a wonderful Christmas present. This baby, Noreentasha, was born in July this year when trustee Noreen was visiting. The mother came to the clinic in advanced labour and the baby was found to be in the breech position. Noreen delivered the baby but was very...
Meet Henry

Meet Henry

Henry has just been employed as our HTC Service provider, he helps the community with testing and counselling for HIV / Aids. He is a sensitive, gentle man who helps the community in a very special way, helping those who do test positive come to terms with change and...
Meet Sheila our Midwife

Meet Sheila our Midwife

Sheila was employed in as a Nurse Midwife in May 2014 to work alongside Joyce our Midwife to help with the growing maternity service including antenatal and child health services. Sheila has helped to deliver four babies this year and we are so pleased she has joined...
Nearly One Hundred Years old!

Nearly One Hundred Years old!

Imagine having to dig your land, plant your crops and harvest your crop in order to eat. This is exactly what Mary, pictured above has had to do all her life and continues to do despite being nearly one hundred years...

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