by Power Of Pads | Jan 29, 2015 | Blog |
The Community Health Workers and Sister Esther produced two vibrant plays which help to spread important health education messages to the villages. The first was about malnutrition and the second about TB. In the second play, the CHWs encourage the patient with a...
by Power Of Pads | Jan 21, 2015 | Blog |
Thank you very much to Rutherford’s Opticians in Freshwater who collect and donate unwanted reading glasses to be taken out to the clinic.These glasses can make a real difference to people’s lives and mean the difference between being able to work and...
by Power Of Pads | Jan 21, 2015 | Blog |
Buburi Clinic has a newly painted sign which should now be easy to see from the road.The sign lists all the clinic’s services and includes general medical services, antenatal and deliveries, lab, dispensary,HIV testing and counselling,CHWs, nutritional services,...
by Power Of Pads | Jan 14, 2015 | Blog |
Agnes and Agnetha are two of Buburi Clinics nine community health workers who carry out vital health promotion in the villages around the clinic. During our visit in December volunteer Liz Taylor and Jackie were able to accompany the CHWs visiting the homes in Rumbiye...
by Power Of Pads | Dec 31, 2014 | Blog |
The photo above shows Joyce with Nafyoo and Trustees Jackie and Sallie. We are coming to the end of 2014 and Joyce Dodoy our midwife is retiring. Her retirement gift from the trustees was a cow that is in calf. She has called her Nafyoo, which is the name of a tribe...