How we help women like Fostine

How we help women like Fostine

Fostine was  20 years old and pregnant with her first child when she arrived at the clinic at 2 pm in the afternoon. For the first few hours it was incredible to believe she was in labour as she preferred to sit outside with her sister in law rather than lie in a bed...
World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day

Today Friends of Buburi is celebrating World Humanitarian Day. This is a day held every year on the 19th August to celebrate the spirit that inspires humanitarian work around the world. Buburi Community Health Clinic owes its very existence to so many people across...
Inspiring Nurse Volunteers

Inspiring Nurse Volunteers

Friends of Buburi trustees, Jo Hanks and Jackie Hamer, were both delighted and honoured to be invited to give a talk to the students on the Professional Diploma in Tropical Nursing (DTN) at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine by course director, Dame...
World Population Day: Family Planning

World Population Day: Family Planning

On this World Population Day, the theme is Family Planning: empowering people, developing nations. Family Planning does not just benefit an individual; it improves lives and consequently has a positive effect on the economic growth of a country. There is a lot of...

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