by Power Of Pads | Oct 15, 2017 | Blog |
We know that in developing countries, rural women represent almost half of the agricultural labour force, and produce, process and prepare much of the food available, thereby giving them primary responsibility for food security. This quite simply means that rural...
by Power Of Pads | Oct 11, 2017 | Blog |
Friends of Buburi are celebrating International Day of the Girl Child. We strongly believe it’s important to highlight the issues concerning gender inequality facing young girls. There are 1.1 billion girls in the world today, a powerful constituency for shaping...
by Power Of Pads | Sep 12, 2017 | Case Study |
Fostine was 20 years old and pregnant with her first child when she arrived at the clinic at 2 pm in the afternoon. For the first few hours it was incredible to believe she was in labour as she preferred to sit outside with her sister in law rather than lie in a bed...
by Power Of Pads | Sep 11, 2017 | Newsletter |
As a small charity, fundraising is a vital part of what we do. After all, we wouldn’t be able to support Buburi Clinic without it. In the past year we have been spending a lot of time applying to grant giving organisations, with some success. We have also organised a...
by Power Of Pads | Sep 11, 2017 | Newsletter |
As a volunteer for Friends of Buburi and a midwife in the UK, I was really excited to see the completed maternity unit when I visited this year along with another midwife volunteer, Yaa. I last visited Buburi in 2012 when I helped Noreen, one of the Trustees, set up...