by Power Of Pads | Jan 28, 2018 | Newsletter |
Vaccination is fundamental in providing a comprehensive health service and in the past there were many preventable deaths due to a lack of such programmes. One of the reasons that families were large in rural Kenya was because it was expected that not all children...
by Power Of Pads | Jan 28, 2018 | Newsletter |
the photo is of the clinic in 2006 As the New Year begins we’re excited about what lies ahead for Friends of Buburi, Buburi clinic and the community they serve and we can also reflect on the humble beginnings and the incredible progress that’s been made to...
by Power Of Pads | Jan 17, 2018 | Newsletter |
Many schoolgirls in Buburi will miss school when they have their period because they don’t have access to sanitary products. This is why Friends of Buburi has started a project to provide washable pads to girls in the local community. Periods are a natural process...
by Power Of Pads | Jan 17, 2018 | Newsletter |
Steven is 20 years old, lives with his mother and two sisters and arrived at the clinic with terrible burns. The family usually cook outside on a fire made from wood. However if it’s raining they cook inside on a jiku and charcoal is used, but charcoal is expensive so...
by Power Of Pads | Dec 14, 2017 | Case Study |
Steven is 20 years old and lives with his mother and two sisters. The family usually cook outside on a fire made from wood. However if it’s raining they cook inside on a jiku and charcoal is used. Charcoal is expensive so Steven and a friend were trying to make...