by Power Of Pads | Sep 17, 2018 | Newsletter |
Photo is of schoolgirls at Nandrema School with their pads Our sanitary pad project is a huge success. Friends of Buburi has now delivered 185 packs of washable, reusable sanitary pads to schoolgirls in Buburi and they have been having a huge impact on the lives of...
by Power Of Pads | Sep 17, 2018 | Newsletter |
Vincent, our laboratory technician The 21st August 2018 marks a very significant moment in Buburi’s history. On this day NHIF (National Hospital Insurance Fund) accreditation was awarded to the clinic. This is Kenya’s equivalent of our NHS but works in a very...
by Power Of Pads | Sep 17, 2018 | Newsletter |
Charlize is one month old. She was having breathing and feeding difficulties and was brought quickly to the clinic by her mother Eunice and grandmother. Fortunately she was immediately seen by the Clinical Officer who diagnosed pneumonia. Pneumonia is the second...
by Power Of Pads | Sep 5, 2018 | Blog |
The International Day of Charity was established with the aim of encouraging and inspiring people all around the world to help others through humanitarian and volunteering activities. The 5th of September was chosen by the UN as the International Day of the Charity to...
by Power Of Pads | Aug 19, 2018 | Blog |
Photo is of Edward, our senior nurse/midwife on the porch of Buburi Community Clinic When we usually think of the word humanitarian it’s often in relation to humanitarian aid that’s given in response to some disaster, either natural or man-made. In fact a...