by Power Of Pads | Jul 10, 2020 | Blog |
World Population Day came into being in 1989 and the initial aim was to raise awareness of population issues. In 2020 the focus is on the pandemic and how this is affecting different aspects of communities. Like all countries affected by Covid 19 Kenya has had to lock...
by Power Of Pads | Jun 19, 2020 | Newsletter |
A relatively small amount of money can be life changing in rural Kenya. By donating whatever you can afford, will really help us to provide grants of a few hundred pounds to women to start pad making businesses which in turn will help them to support their families....
by Power Of Pads | Jun 19, 2020 | Newsletter |
With the world in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic it’s difficult to know about all the ways it is affecting girls and women in Kenya. What we can presume is, it will not be making their menstruation experiences or lives any easier. We do have the very latest data...
by Power Of Pads | May 18, 2020 | Blog |
With the world in the middle of the COVID 19 pandemic it’s difficult to know specifically how it is affecting girls and women in Kenya. What we can presume is, it will not be making their menstruation experience any easier. We do know that all the schools have...
by Power Of Pads | Aug 28, 2019 | Case Study |
Angel Monica is two years old and when she arrived at the clinic she was a very poorly little girl. She had Malaria and pneumonia and she was also dehydrated and had anaemia. Angel lives with her Grandmother as her mother died a year before and she was brought to the...