International Charity Day 2024

5th September 2024

We’re proud to acknowledge International Charity Day and to celebrate all the charities around the world that are doing such amazing work to help people and communities that are in need. A huge thanks too to our volunteers, friends, donors, partners and communities in Kenya who support and work so hard to give girls free period pads so they can continue in school and have some positive future life opportunities. We couldn’t do it without you

Supporting a charity can take many forms – giving money, time, skills or knowledge to a cause that resonates with you. It can also be incredibly rewarding and life enhancing as you see your efforts making a real difference. At Power Of Pads, we see and hear the real impact of the work that is happening in local Kenyan communities where girls are receiving free pads and learning about menstrual hygiene. They’re becoming more empowered, knowledgeable about their bodies and are continuing their studies. Local women are learning new sewing skills, sharing their knowledge and being able to earn a small income so they can feed their families and send their children to school. All this happens because of the support from the UK and the hard work, commitment and motivation of special people and communities in Kenya, who all want a better life for girls and women. Thank You.   Designed by Freepik







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