At this time of year in the run up to Christmas, and in fact across the whole year, if you do online shopping you could be making donations to Friends of Buburi for free!
By joining the Giving Machine you can begin to raise funds for Friends of Buburi, at absolutely no cost to you. Simply shop online with one of the thousands of well known retailers and you can generate money to be paid directly to our charity. It’s free to join the Giving Machine and each time you shop online you just have to remember to go through their site, and the retailer you’re shopping with will give a % of your spend that will come to Friends of Buburi.The Giving Machine also provides a ‘shop and give’ reminder that you can install to ensure you don’t miss any opportunities to give free donations.
We’re hugely grateful for every donation we receive and even the smallest amount is very well spent and goes towards life saving care and treatments. For example, 50p will buy a mosquito net to prevent Malaria and £7 will pay for a midwife for the day. 100% of donations goes towards the work at the clinic so you know that all your donations are making a real difference to people’s lives.